This article has been translated from Japanese, relying on machine translation. I'm sorry if there are any mistakes or confusing parts in this article.
The Apple Pencil rolls and falls often.
I'm a fan of the original Apple Pencil. I mainly use the Notability iPad app to take handwritten notes.
The Apple Pencil is functionally very satisfactory, but its cross section is a perfect circle. Because there is no protrusion at all in the body, it rolls on the desk and falls off frequently.
So, the nibs break when I hit it badly. It is replaceable and comes with a spare, but it is not good to interrupt the work because the nib is broken while I am working, and I can't do anything about it if it breaks while I am out.
It becomes like a cheap ballpoint pen with just one clip.
That's why I made an anti-rolling clip.
The shape of the clip is the one on the cheap ballpoint pen. A stylish Apple Pencil becomes a very cheap pen with just one clip, so industrial design is a very sensitive thing.
By the way, the diameter of the Apple Pencil was about 9mm by actual measurement.
If you only want to prevent the pen from rolling around, you can use the protruding cylinder alone, but I also added a clip that can be hung on your chest pocket or documents.
I did some quick modeling and output with Prusa i3 MK3. The material is PLA.
The thickness of layer is 0.3mm for speed. The surface of this model is a little bit uneven, but it is enough for me to make a practical object.
When I make this kind of object with other objects, I have to make many pieces and test how they fit together. So it takes a lot more time and effort than I expected.

Prototypes for sizing
You can download the STL data from the 3D preview link (sketchfab). However, it may be tight or loose depending on your 3D printer and materials.
It's good to use. It was worth the effort to make it.
By the way, similar clips are sold for a few hundred yen on Amazon and so on, so it is a little bit difficult to buy or make.